Yagi Antenna Design Software For Windows
ANTENNA SOFTWARE. Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted Vees, J-poles, Trap Dipoles and more.
Large collection of radio related software at QRZ.com web site. provides much greater flexibility in the construction, analysis, and interpretation of radiating structures using a rewritten NEC module.
UNIX Application developed at the University of Texas Department of the Computer Sciences, permit to display the radiation pattern and the current magnitude. HF wire antenna design program by WB4ZYA for DOS. A Free general purpose antenna analysis user-oriented software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, antenna modeling and antenna analysis. Calculate Double bazooka for Win3/Win95 by W4BEJ. Discone antenna design program by K5DKZ.
NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional. Design helix antennas with this DOS program by OH0NC. J-pole Design Program V1.1 by WA2ISE.
Excel sheet to design Logperiodic Dipoles. MININEC for Windows is antenna modeling tool for the novice, student and hobbyist. Magnetic Loop Antenna Design software by DK1NB. The file MEI-10.ZIP contains educational software to evaluate antenna arrays of up to 8 elements. Two types of arrays may be studied: 2D planar arrays (Yagi-Uda, Circular, etc., up to 6 elements) and collinear arrays (up to 8 elements.). MM Antenna Analyzer by JE3HHT - Makoto Mori.
Antenna Analysis software with the user in mind. Antenna software that lets you measure the polar diagram of a rotatable beam antenna. Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script. This is the place for downloading the latest DOS version of Quickyagi the 'freeware' yagi modeling program with auto-design & optimize. Dipole calculations program for Win by N4PVU. Experiment with Yagi designs on your computer!. A set of programs for the design and optimization of Yagi antennas.
Mainly for unix, but some old DOS versions too. CW TRAINING SOFTWARE. Master Code In 30 Days, Code quick the fastest way to master code. Program to receive morse code via sound card, Windows 95/98/NT. UA9OSV CwType - Terminal program to transmit morse code (Windows 95/98). It allows to send CW both from the keyboard and from the paddle connected to the joystick interface or any other hardware port. CWT, an outstanding morse code learning program.
Multi channel, continental code receiver for Sound Blaster cards. Simple freeware program generates Morse characters and Q codes. It needs a sound card and Win95. Contest simulation: Call stations or call CQ. Program is excellent for CW contest practice or enter ongoing operating contests. Software for Amateur Radio.
Text to morse and vice-versa java translator. A free Windows Morse trainer for beginners and experts by DK5CI. Online documentation and overview about Morse Academy, shareware cw learning software. Morse Code Training, Practice and Exam Program by Stormy Weather SoftWare Ltd. CW ear trainer for Java-enabled browsers. Sends custom text, random groups of letters/digits/punctuation, or any random characters.
5-18 WPM code speed (18 WPM character speed). Source code for morse training program and a ready-to-use compiled application morse.exe.
A morse code tutor for the Macintosh. 'You tap on computer keyboard in Morse; what you tapped appears as letters on screen.' .
Freeware by AE4RV. MorseQuiz is a Morse Code Speed Trainer for DOS/WINDOWS that can help you improve your code copying ability. Morse Tutor is a DOS based program written in C. It can be used to practice morse code. Various options are available.
Morse tutor with Complete Source Code and Binary is available for Download (23KB). Morse Tutor Gold by GGTE Quality Software for Amateur Radio. Morse code tutor especially designed for pilots, run on windows and support sound cards, by Maple Leaf. Macintosh application that decodes morse code into text, PPC and 68K. NuMorse is a feature packed array of training aids that will hone your code receiving skills in the least possible time. is a CW pileup trainer.
It is a free software. It requires DOS and SoundBlaster compatible sound source. 'Super Morse is the original comprehensive Morse Code training program for the PC. Super Morse permits the user to learn the Morse characters in a very orderly way using several different methods, including one unique to Super Morse; build speed with special exercises; by WD5CID'. CONTEST LOGGING SOFTWARE. AALog is a comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators.
QRZ,Buckmaster,Flying Horse lookup, CW/RTTY/PSK31 support, Digital voice processor. DXCC,WAZ,P75P,WAS,JCC,WAJA,WAIP,IOTA,Russia tracking. Many other useful features. EQSL.cc compatible.
$0 to try a limited version, $49.00 to buy. This allows you to keep your entire amateur log. Try it for 45 days before You buy it. If you like the log its $19.00. Many many options.
General station, Field day Logging, Other related logging programs. Complete package $49.00.
VHF & Up Software management, Station Log and maps, in italian. The Ultimate Contest Software with updates via internet. My MMPRINT utility is a post contest tool that lets you extract statistical data from a CT log file.
By 9H1EL, supports RSGB 21-28, BERU, IOTA contests, FOC marathon and IARU 50MHz trophy, Control of FT1000MP, all Kenwood and ICOM Radios which have CAT system. Logging program for Manchester Mineira contest CWJF. Contest simulation: Call stations or call CQ.
Program is excellent for CW contest practice or enter ongoing operating contests. Shareware Win95/98/NT contest logging program, support over 77 contests, by Dave Mascaro W3KM. (ACLog) This program checks for duplicates (including partials), lists multipliers by band, provides a country lookup function, lists all contacts, writes the Cabrillo file format for log submission, and provides many current statistics. K2 logging system by WB2QAP, logs ARCI sponsored contests and others with same point system. Features contest mode and powerful configuration & reporting options. Commercial.
NA is an amateur radio logging program for MS-DOS computers, primarily for use in operating in amateur radio contests. All-mode contesting and logging software system designed primarily for on-line operation of HF digital and CW radio stations through Terminal Node Controllers (TNC). The K1TTT MOF/LOF Contest Propagation tool is designed to help the serious contest operator know when each of the major contest bands (10m-160m) should be open and to where.
HF QSO/QSL/Award management, ADIF Import/Export, full version free to everybody. Requires Access 97 or Access 2000 (with JPEG and TIFF filter installed), screen resolution 800x600/1024x768.
Includes: over 9500 logged QSO's for easy/quick testing of performance and 5 maps (Italy, Usa, Usa-Cal, Usa-Fla, Svalbard Is). SD sets the standard for fast, simple logging and editing in the major international contests and in dozens of others worldwide. Runs on any PC. SDL is a dedicated contest logger for SWLs. It's good for all the major international contests and for dozens of others worldwide. SDL is fully working and unrestricted, and is distributed as freeware.
It links to Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu radios to follow band and mode changes. Contest logging software by N6TR.
Italian contesting logging program from windows by I8VKB. DATABASE SOFTWARE. Amateur Radio Maps program which contains maps of continents and countries. Electronic World atlas for radio amateurs.
DXCC and province prefixes, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular and azimuth projections, continuous zoom and scrolling, Gray Line, city and island index, unique hierarchical prefix database. COM/OLE Automation for easy integration with 3-rd party programs. Amateur Radio Software for QSL Management and QSL Label Printing for Windows 95/98/NT.
Excel spreadsheet that helps you trace your status of DXCC entities. DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. Supports M2 and Yaesu PC-controlled rotator controllers.
Radio frequency database designed for those who use many different radio frequencies. Database system with 60000 frequencies, powerful 3D MUF/LUF-propagtion software and full copntrol of several receivers. A Windows program for Storing, Sorting, Searching, & Printing Frequency Lists. FREE Shortwave Databases and Software for Amateurs. MacHam is a fast database containing the FCC Amateur Call Sign Information For the Apple Macintosh.
Almost a fresh QSL manager Database (updated weekly) Country Tables for YPLOG by VE6YP (updated monthly) Additional files for the TRLoog by N6TR. program that searches address and manager databases, as well as country-specific callbooks. Commercial logging software for windows, with QSL route functions, logbook conversions, rig control and cluster support by Data matrix.
QSL extra offers QSL information for every ardent dxer, with over 30.000 entries. LOGGING SOFTWARE. AALog is a comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. QRZ,Buckmaster,Flying Horse lookup, CW/RTTY/PSK31 support, Digital voice processor. DXCC,WAZ,P75P,WAS,JCC,WAJA,WAIP,IOTA,Russia tracking. Many other useful features.
EQSL.cc compatible. $0 to try a limited version, $49.00 to buy. This allows you to keep your entire amateur log. Try it for 45 days before You buy it.
If you like the log its $19.00. Many many options.
General station, Field day Logging, Other related logging programs. Complete package $49.00. ACARS Log Analyzer for Windows, ACARS Online Club and general ACARS information. (ACLog) This is an easy to use Windows based general logging program. The program tracks your Worked All States, Worked All Counties, and Worked All Countries progress. Included is a database of counties and countries, by N3FJP. Log Windows.
Logging and Database Software. Free german Open Source HAM Logging Program under the terms of the GNU General Public License. CLLOG runs under MS-DOS (Windows DOS-Window under 3.x,9x,NT,ME,2000) and LINUX. All Functions for Logbook.
VHF & Up Software management, Station Log and maps, in italian. Log Book Programe, DOS and Windows Logbook for radio amateurs written by DK8AT.
DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program for every ham. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer. DXKeeper is a free, comprehensive logging application that records and manages QSOs tracks progress towards DXing awards.
The Short Wave Reception Log and The Amateur Radio Station Log by DXtreme. Professional Logging Software for Windows 95/98/NT. A separate version is available for DOS. Full featured logging, HF radio control, Internet Packet, VHF Packet, Label Designer, Report Designer, and a lot more. Launcher makes it easy to control individual DXLab applications, or a specified group of DXLab applications. ICOM control, QSO in 'AutoQSO' mode, Internet supports DXcluster & QRZ lookup, CW supports, Multimedia - AutoCQ,Audio Recording., HTML maker, E-QSL maker, Echo-repeater, Contest supports CQWWDX & ARRL10 (rep CABBRILO), Spectrum analyses. Log Windows is a complete Amateur Radio information system.
It combines logging, rig control, antenna rotor control, DX Packet cluster monitoring, QSL manager, and award tracking in an easy to use application. Freeware Windows logging package with many features written by Bob Furzer, K4CY. QW is a Contest, Log and PR Program made by Mario, DL4MFM. Easylog by microware software.
Eurowinlog is a ham logging software using world map zoomable capabilities. Handling 32400 gridsquares, dxcc, dxcluster, qsl printing and much more. (ACLog) This program checks for duplicates (including partials), lists the sections (which change color when they have been worked), lists all contacts, writes ASCII log, dupe and summary files, and provides many current statistics by N3FJP. 'Full featured logging program available since 1989. Interfaces to most radio's, TNC's, and Callbooks. Runs under DOS and all 'flavors' of Windows.
Can run on 8088 or fastest Pentium machine. Easy to use with virtually unlimited database capability.
Trial version available.' . FREE amateur radio logbook for Windows, Year 2000 compliant, Real-time or post-event data-entry, Produces QSL cards and address labels, Produces RSGB VHF-UHF-SHF Competition Log Sheet and more, by G7LFC. K2 logging system by WB2QAP, logs ARCI sponsored contests and others with same point system. Version 2.0, intuitive, versatile, easy to use system with many features. Major rewrite of Version 1.0.
KLog is free amateur radio logging software. Now including AZ,WAS,IOTA,DXCC & WPX awards tracking.
Also ADIF import/export is supported. Ham logging software capable of handling up to 30,000+ log-books using one database and one image copy, and many more features by Norbert Oberweis - LX1NO / KM6RY.
The N1MM Logger is a free, open source contest logging program for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Soundcard DVK, CW sending, and bandmaps are included. Logging program which offers control of your KENWOOD, ICOM, TEN-TEC, or YAESU (FT840, FT900, FT990, FT1000, FT1000D) radios directly from your keyboard or emulation of any of the above radios. $39.00, try it for free. RTTY TYPE SOFTWARE. A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card by DXsoft.
DigiPan provides a panoramic display of the frequency spectrum in the form of an active dial scale extending the full width of the computer screen. DigiPan is the result of a joint effort between myself and Nick Fedoseev, UT2UZ, the author of MIXW32, and is intended to make PSK31 operation easier and more enjoyable for everyone. DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. Supports M2 and Yaesu PC-controlled rotator controllers.
Multimode image and data decoding software for soundcards. WEFAX, FAX, SSTV, RTTY, SITOR-A, SITOR-B (NAVTEX) and CW (Morse code). Commercial with demo version. Program for ham radio communications, supports reception and transmission of radio teletype (RTTY), AMTOR ARQ/FEC, SITOR A/B, NAVTEX and Morse code (CW) signals. Intercom is a decoding program for Morse, RTTY, ASCII and TOR-FEC. HamScope is a multi-mode communications package for amateur radio that supports: PSK31 BPSK and QPSK RTTY ASCII MFSK16 CW.
Performance Software for AEA and Kantronics TNCs Recognized Leader in Packet Amtor RTTY Baudot Pactor Gtor ASCII CW Morse support. program for Linux, supports up to four simultaneous receive windows. RTTY and PSK31 Terminal for Windows 95, need a Sound Blaster or compatible pc card. MixW supports: SSB, AM, FM, CW, BPSK31, QPSK31, FSK31, RTTY, Packet (HF/VHF), Pactor (RX only), AMTOR (FEC), MFSK, Hellschreiber, Throb, Fax (RX only), SSTV, MT63. RTTY and other freeware software for Windows by Mako JE3HHT. An excellent RTTY program that requires only a computer with soundcard, no expensive TNC required!.
Software for the EZKIT and Windows 95/98 PC. Digital modes decoding software for the macintosh. Decodes CW, RTTY, WEFAX, SATFAX, ACARS, DTMF, SSTV. based on the Operating System of your computer and after that based on the hardware you have. Written by Pete Halpin, PE1MHO, originally for the Yaesu FT-817 but works on all PSK setups. Copies up to 40 PSK qso's at once. Auto detects and disconnects PSK traffice.
PSK31, version 1.06 by Peter Martinez, G3PLX. A front end program that adds typeahead, macros,and much more to PSK31SBW orPSK31EVM. RCKRtty is a comprehensible program for logging and administration of RTTY, PSK31, Pactor, Amtor and CW-QSO's with simultaneous control of transceiver and real-time operation with Packet-Radio. RCKRtty supports normally QSO-operation and a full Contest operation, with maximum data security by DL4RCK.
is a high-tech company with the main focus on the high quality radio software for Windows. Program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits), PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK) and AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX).
SELFEC SITOR decoding is possible also. No additional hardware required, need only a sound card. Optionally you can use simple circuit for PTT-control. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger. Get MMTTY work with the WF1B contest software. WinWarbler allows you to conduct QSOs in the PSK31, PSK63, and RTTY modes using your soundcard's analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion functions. WinPSKse is a logical outgrowth of WinPSK as designed and written by AE4JY.
The look and feel is intentionally similar, but some significant changes have been made, not the least of which is the ability toreceive two PSK31 signals simultaneously. Windows 95/98 based program to decode PSK31 mode by AE4JY, freeware. Simple to set up PSK31 programme with some useful features. SLOW SCAN & FAX SOFTWARE.
Slow Scan TV with Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Soundcard by JE3HHT - Makoto Mori. Digital modes decoding software for the macintosh. Decodes CW, RTTY, WEFAX, SATFAX, ACARS, DTMF, SSTV. 5© for RX + TX.
(RTTY, PSK, FAX, SSTV, CW ) on HF and higher frequency bands and more. WEFAX stands for Weather Facsimile and is similar to other types of fax transmissions. There are currently three different countries that transmit WEFAX, these are the US (GOES), European (Meteosat) and Japanese (GMS ) satellites. WeFax for Windows is weather fax software for Kantronics and Timewave TNCs that runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP operating systems.
The Windows interface ensures that WeFax for Windows is easy to use, with true multi-tasking and point and click operation. Slow Scan TV for Windows 95/98/NT and 2000. UTILITIY SOFTWARE.
Digital voice processor for amateur radio operators. It use prepared 'wav'-files for transmission. Can work in the beacon mode. Optionally you can use simple circuit for PTT-control. It has a lot macros for transmitting. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AALog logger. Amateur Data Interchange Format, provide a standard interchange independent of operating system or programming language for amateur data that will permit easy and direct transfer of data conforming to the standard between various amateur programs as well awards and contest sponsors.
Alert Wizard is a small application dedicated to notifying the user of an approaching &;#147;schedule&;#148;, or event. Electronic World atlas for radio amateurs. DXCC and province prefixes, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular and azimuthal projections, continuous zoom and scrolling, Gray Line, city and island index, unique hierarchical prefix database.
COM/OLE Automation for easy integration with 3-rd party. Audiocorder is a VOX program which allows your Macintosh to act as an audio recorder. Collection of ham radio clip art images. Without expensive repeaters YOU and your friends, using hand 2mFM1Wstation, can connect to 10mDXSSBstation for example. BTW is a group of beacon information views and tools to enhance the enjoyment and usefulness of the NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network and HF radio operation.
Commander allows you to control your Icom, TenTec, Kenwood, or Yaesu radio from a PC running Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP. Commander is free, and contains no advertising; commercial use is expressly forbidden. Conductor is a training tracking software that can organize any type of education, training, certification or license. It generates a multitude of reports perfect for regulatory bodies, free demo.: Audio Spectrum Analyzer ('Spectrum Lab'). Double tone generator for testing intermodulation. Freeware DSP filter by JE3HHT. DX Monitor is a standalone Win 95/98/NT program which monitors the DX announcements available on the internet at DX Summit and presents the information in a sort grid format and on a map centered on your location.
Given a callsign DXView determines the associated DXCC entity, reporting its location and beam heading from your QTH. Supports M2 and Yaesu PC-controlled rotator controllers. DXSoft cluster monitor is a tool for web-cluster monitoring. Cluster spot history, last spots list in the separate window, full information about DX, announces, WWVs, any kind of sorting and filtering. Full DXAtlas by VE3NEA support.
Integrated dial-up support. EchoFilter is a free software program that turns a pc with a soundcard into a sophisticated programmable digital filter and frequency counter. EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology. The EZ QRA Locator software is a simple software for the calculation of QRA locators. Converts your logs into ADIF (Shack log, EasyLog, PC-Profilog, LogPlus, DXLog, Log-Projekt, QW, UKWTEST, DAS LOG, HAM-LCT, Eurowinlog, StationMaster; also ADIF to ASCII). 'E-QSL like qsling.
Confirmation your QSO by internet by your E-QSL. Give the virtual 'DXCC'.' .
Public domain Electronic Circuit Design Programs. Macintosh shareware, contains the full pool of questions for each of the five exams, and creates sample tests that will vary each time you take them and it will grade your exam. Does your Amateur Radio system comply to the EMI rules? (German values implemented).
DOS program that will assist you in determining your 2 meter station's Effective Radiated Power (ERP). This software is able to calculate the properties of odd shaped transmission lines. Particularly good in valve amplifier design, for aiding the design of transmission line resonators. Power Amplifiers, tubes and Related Items G8WRB. Free programmable LOW/HIGH/BANDPASS FIR filter in the audio range 0-4kHz. Geog is a suite of programs written by Andy Talbot ( G4JNT ), some of which make reference to a database of UK terrain heights, to provide useful information for radio amateurs. GCM is a great circle map plotting software, you can choose colors, scale, meridians, fields and or squares from the maidenhead locator system.
Simple grid calculator. calculate maidenhead grid square and coordinates. GRIDX, a BASIC program that calculates grid squares and Great Circle headings and grid.exe, a grid locator calculator. Tool bar will help you get the latest up to date DX news, articles, cluster spots, propagation predictions, as well as quick access to ITU, Zone and several other maps. I now use it daily!.
is structured so that it will eventually support all HF / VHF / UHF amateur radio transceivers and receivers. It currently supports ICOM, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec and Kenwood.
Total transceiver control via a pc. Integrated with and. Windows98 Program for RF Design. RF Exposure Evaluation Software for Amateur Radio. NERDAlert 2000 is an ID timer, with extras. A windows based oscilloscope program, plug any signal into your sound card and view the signal.
Java free space pathloss calculation and EME. uses the included IonCap propagation prediction engine to forecast the minimum and maximum useable frequencies between two locations over a specified 24 hour period. Amateur radio programs to download, locator, log, etc.
For Psion Aprs maps for PC (ui-view). Maidenhead grid squares calculator, and bearing and distance program. This recorder only records when the incoming signal is above a user specified threshold. This allows the recorder to pause while nothing is being received. Displays the actual transmitting beacons of the NCDXF/IARU Beacon Project. Newblue fx keygen bandicam.
Provides most advanced digital signal processing (DSP) functions to be used together with your HF receiver. All signal processing is done in your PC and no extra hardware is needed. Yaesu FT920 and Icom PCR1000 and Kenwood rigs spectrum analyzer.
Hf Antenna Design Software
captures spots from the DX Summit spotting network and up to four additional telnet-accessible DX Cluster. Spots are merged and stored in a Spot Database on your PC, enabling you to monitor, sort, and filter them in real time. 'Beacon(repeating your callsign),EchoRepeater(receive-record-transmit,at that + sound files 'About','Advertisement'), VOICER(automatic DialUp(dialing-connecting-geting-disconecting), automatic update info from DX-Claster by LAN or DialUp, Filtering necessary marks). W95/98/NT'. Grid Square and Distance calculator by w3km.
Free amateur radio DSP filter program for Windows 95/98/NT. CONTROL SOFTWARE. An universal program for RIG control. Commander allows you to control your Icom, TenTec, Kenwood, or Yaesu radio from a PC running Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP. Commander is free, and contains no advertising; commercial use is expressly forbidden.
Creative Services Control Software. is structured so that it will eventually support all HF / VHF / UHF amateur radio transceivers and receivers. It currently supports ICOM, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec and Kenwood. Total transceiver control via a pc.
Integrated with and. This is a system of programs to allow you to control your ICOM equipment, namely the IC756PROII Transceiver, IC706MKIIG Mobil Transceiver, and the R9000 Receiver.
The list contains freeware, shareware and commercial products, some do support other interfaces and other manufacturers.